Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Comic 3 schedule

Comic 3 schedule

Whether you’re starting a comic from scratch or incorporating old material into a new story, establishing your page layouts early on will help you avoid any page count pitfalls.  It is strongly advised that you limit your new page count to 16 pages and keep reworks of previous pages to a minimum.  All additional, pre-existing material must also be kept within 8 page increments.  As stated in the syllabus, this comic must conclude on the last page.  It can be part of a series in which future comics follow, but there should be a clear ending to this chapter of your story.

Proposal packet
Write a one page proposal outlining your story and provide character bibles (consisting of character sketches and bios) for at least 2 of your main characters.  Working with characters or pages from Comics 2 is acceptable, but they must be collected neatly in a binder along with your proposal and submitted at the same time.

Comic Proposal Presentation
Take the all of the materials you’ve compiled for your proposal packet, and put together a 5 minute PowerPoint presentation for the class.  Make sure to include an “elevator pitch” that consists of 1 or 2 concise, but descriptive sentences.

Proposal packets and Comic Proposal Presentation are due 9/3

Now, create a schedule for your completing your comic.  It is required that you pencil all of your pages first to insure consistent quality.

*Schedules are due 9/3

Penciled pages are due 10/12

B&W comics
Inks are due 11/19
Lettering due 11/16

Grayscale or color comics
Inks are due 11/2
Tones or colors are due 11/16
Lettering due 11/16

Storyboard your comic with 2 to 6 small-scale page layouts per printed 8.5 x 11 page.  It must be indicated which pages are pre-existing and which pages are new.  This will map out your 16 new pages and help you prioritize what pre-existing material to include, rework or exclude.  Assemble these into a packet and make multiple copies.  Give one copy to me, one copy to each of your classmates, and keep one copy in your binder.

Storyboards are due for evaluation on 9/10

Other Dates
InDesign demo and test booklet scans are due on 10/10
Working critique for Comic on 10/17

Test booklet layout due on 10/22

Working critique 10/31

Working critique on 11/5

Working critique on 11/7

Working critique on 11/12

Working critique on 11/14

Working critique on 11/26

Pages uploaded by 12/5 (last class)

Comics artist presentation on 12/5

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